Monday, March 17, 2014

17 Weeks

Hello! I really don't have much to write about for this week. Probably because I don't remember what went on almost 2 weeks ago :p
I haven't been keeping up with the blog....I know, I know, why bother with the blog then?
But I promise, I'll do better now.
Everything is going well. As mentioned, I'm not sleeping "perfectly". Halfway through the night, I just can't sleep. I just stare at the wall, hehe. Then I fall back to sleep, and that just makes it harder to wake up in the mornings.
I did, however, buy a new "pillow" to help me sleep:

It's a Pregnancy Wedge Cushion Pillow from Babies R Us. It's supposed to be placed under your belly for support, but I bought it for my back. You see, I'm still scared about waking up on my back so I thought I'd try this. That way, if I tend to roll towards my back, this will keep me from totally laying on my back. Sounds weird, huh? I'll let you know in my next blog if it worked or not :)

How far along? 17 Weeks, 4 Days
Total weight gain/loss: 9 lbs.
Maternity clothes? One more blouse, just to add some color to my wardrobe. They're so comfortable; from Destination Maternity.
Stretch marks? So far none!
Sleep: Waking up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep.
Best moment this week:Hanging out with Israel after work and grabbing something to eat. We're not going out as much...just too tired.
Have you told family and friends:Yes, but I haven't really announced things in social media. It's just not me...
Miss Anything? Coca-cola, I do drink sprite once in a while. But I miss my coke.
Movement: Not sure :-/  Sometimes I think I feel something, but I really don't know.
Food cravings: Mangos
Anything making you queasy or sick: People's breath haha. It sounds so mean, but it's true. My mom thinks I'm crazy.
Gender prediction: Most days I feel it's a girl...sometimes boy.
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy most of the time, but people are getting annoying with their "you're so big" comments.
Looking forward to: My 19-20 weeks, level 2 ultrasound. I might get a 3-D Ultrasound done.

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