Tuesday, April 22, 2014

22 Weeks

This week was one week to remember!!! I saw my beautiful, little girl's face!!!
We went to our second perinatal appointment on Thursday (April 10, 2014) to see her face, since she didn't want to show us her face during the last appointment.
I was a bit nervous since during the last appointment, the Doctor told us she had Choroid Plexus Cysts, which are cysts located in the brain. 
The Doctor told us not to worry since these cysts tend to disappear in the third trimester, but they had to tell us about the cysts since they can be a sign of Trisomy 18. And THAT's what scared me.
Trisomy 18 is a chromosome disorder that lead to deaths in the pregnancy or the baby can die shortly after birth. So of course, Israel, my mom and I started praying. 
I wasn't going to worry or think about it, because I didn't want to get upset. 
I just prayed that God would work a miracle and Isabella would be okay.
WELL..... I am NOT in my third trimester yet, and they were NOT going to check for the cysts that day, but another Doctor came in and wanted to check real quick, and THE CYSTS WERE GONE!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!
The Doctor said there was nothing to worry about, but I told her, we had been praying for the cysts to go away and saw this as an act of God! :)

Seeing our baby on the screen is indescribable. Especially, when we see the 3D images of our little girl. It's just so incredible to see Isabella's face and already know how she looks like.

It's funny...Israel and I started to wonder who she looks like. We quickly said, "she has Mami's nose" (my mom's). But later that afternoon, I looked at some baby pictures of my brother and I, and yea, she has my nose. I love looking at her pictures. She's just so cute. I can't wait to meet her!

How far along: 22 weeks
Gender: Girl
Weight gain: 18 lbs
Maternity clothes: I did go shopping this week for some summer clothes, but I ended up returning a lot of the clothes I got. I'm trying not to spend too much, but I want to make sure I have comfortable dresses for the hot weather. I kept a maxi skirt, two maxi dresses, and two simple, cotton dresses.
Stretch marks: No
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: I'm sleeping well. Can't complain.
Best moment this week: Seeing our little girl and getting the GREAT news that she's healthy.
Miss anything: I miss deli meat and hot dogs (at least the hot dogs from Costco).
Movement: Israel finally felt her kick! She is moving a lot. Mainly in the morning and at night....But she kicks, here and there, at work.
Cravings: No real cravings, really.
Queasy or sick: Nope! Feel great. Just tired at times.
Looking forward to: Our 24-week check-up.

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