Thursday, February 13, 2014

14 weeks

Okay, now I'm up-to-date. Today I am 14 weeks, 3 days. 

Even though I woke up sick yesterday, I told Israel we had to take a 14 week belly pic since we jumped to week 14 super fast. As you can tell in the picture, I'm not doing too great. :p
But I'm taking anti-biotics for an ear infection the doctor was able to catch, and Tylenol when I get a fever. Doctor Pinto said it's better to take the Tylenol than to let my body get a fever.
So here's my picture. (My outfit is all new from Motherhood Maternity)

(Told you I don't look too great.)

How far along? 14 Weeks, 3 Days
Total weight gain/loss: I'm going to say still 5 lb. The nurse said I only gained 1 lb over the last month!
Maternity clothes? Not since Sunday :)
Stretch marks? No. I'm not even itchy anymore.
Sleep: I'm not going to bed as early as I did, but this cold is not letting me sleep at night.
Best moment this week: Seeing my baby! I actually miss seeing him/her.
Have you told family and friends: I did tell a few more people. I told one of my supervisors at work yesterday. I still need to tell my direct supervisor. And my Church :-/
Miss Anything? Coffee and soda, but the Doctor said I can have coffee and hot chocolate. I don't think I'll have coffee, but I'll definitely make some hot chocolate once my cold is gone.
Movement: I can't feel anything, but I definitely saw my baby moving around like crazy :-D
Food cravings: I still wish I could have Hot Dogs, but the doctor highly recommended me to stay away from Hot Dogs. I am craving fruit now.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Haven't really felt nauseous this week!
Have you started to show yet: oh yes! And I'm not ashamed to show!
Gender prediction: Now I'm thinking it's a girl. The receptionist is guessing a girl too. Plus my baby's heartbeat was 154bpm and there's a theory that if the heartbeat is over 140bpm it's a girl. :p
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Happy or Moody most of the time: Super SUPER Happy!
Looking forward to: My 16-week ultrasound! Doctor Pinto says we might get to see the sex! I can't wait!!!!

Here's my Little Baby Fernandez!

So Tuesday was my 13 week ultrasound. I was so excited, but I had to call out sick that day because I wasn't feeling too great. Well, by noon, I had a fever and was scared. I didn't know what to do. Once I hit 101 degrees, I called the Doctors office and they told me to take Tylenol to lower the fever and they'd check me out later that day.

I had my appointment at 7pm, so Israel can meet me there and we can experience everything together :)
When I got there, I was feeling SOOOOO sick. They took my temperature and said I definitely had a fever. 
So Doctor Pinto came in, and I was so nervous. All I cared about was seeing that little heart beat. 
THANK GOD, not only did I see and hear his/her heart beat, my baby was moving around like crazy haha. At first it was hiding behind my placenta, then it was lifting its arms....I even saw him/her shaking his/her head hahaha. Finally, the baby was facing us and Doctor Pinto was able to measure him/her. I wasn't at 13 weeks like I thought. I was at 14 weeks!
I'm telling you, seeing that made everything going away. No more fever, no more symptoms. I was just SO HAPPY. I couldn't stop smiling and laughing at how silly my baby was. Doctor Pinto even said that my baby was using the placenta as his/her pillow.
I'll stop rambling on... Here is Little Baby Fernandez at 14 weeks and 1 day:

13 Weeks

Hello! So I'm writing a little late. I was 13 weeks on Thursday, February 6, 2014 (so I thought) but I didn't take a picture until that Sunday. 
And then I have to wait until Israel saves the picture onto his computer.
First here's the size of my baby:

And here's the picture:

And here's my 13 weeks info:

How far along? I'll do this as if I wrote in on the day I took the picture... 13 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: Still 5 lbs! So that's good!
Maternity clothes? Actually, I went Maternity Shopping that day!!! I ended up getting two pairs of jeggings! They're soooooo nice.  Oh, and a nice sweater (Which you'll see in the next picture).
Stretch marks? No. Got a bottle of Bio Oil which is amazing! 
Sleep: Still getting up 2-3 times a night. And sometimes, I just can't fall back to sleep.
Best moment this week: I have to say shopping. Israel came with me and was very patient and helpful. The people at the store were so nice. A great experience. I got a lot of free gifts.
Have you told family and friends: Yes! Israel's family knows now and all of his old Church; thanks to my sister-in-law ;)
Miss Anything? Still miss coffee and Coca-cola.
Movement: Not yet. 
Food cravings: My cravings are kinda going away. Sometimes I want chips.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really.
Have you started to show yet: Definitely, don't you think?
Gender prediction: I don't know now. I had a dream that the doctor told me I was having a girl. So now I have no idea.
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
InHappy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Still looking for my 13 week ultrasound!!!!!

Friday, February 7, 2014

First Pregnancy Purchase... (Kind of)

For the past few weeks, I haven't been sleeping THAT well for two reasons. One, these wonderful hormones make me wake up 2-3 times a night to go to the bathroom. And two, I'm afraid of sleeping on my back since I've read you shouldn't sleep on your back during your second and third trimester.
According to WebMd: "When you lie on your back, the weight of the pregnant uterus slows the return of blood to your heart, which reduces blood flow to the fetus. That means the baby is getting less oxygen and fewer nutrients."

Soooo.... reading that obviously got me scared and I've tried to train myself not to sleep on my back, let alone on my stomach! But even though I start out on my side, I end up on my back so I get nervous. (I know, I know, I'm barely starting my second trimester, but it still scares me).

Last Sunday, we were on the way home, but I wanted to stop by BuyBuyBaby and take a look at these 'famous' Pregnancy Body Pillows. I finally decided to purchase this one:

I tried it out that night and let me tell you... it was the worst night of my life haha. I had pain everywhere. My neck, my shoulders, my hips! I hated it. So Wednesday, we went back to BuyBuyBaby to return it. We stopped by Bed Bath and Beyond for something Israel was looking for and I decided to look at their pillows since mine is weird shaped again. 
As soon as I saw this one, I fell in love. It was SOOOOOO soft and felt so cool. But when I saw the price, I said 'Nevermind!'

It was $60. I've never paid that much for a pillow. But Israel said, "Get something that's worth while, instead of buying $14 pillows every couple of months".

So I decided to get it... and I slept like a baby! I think I fell asleep in 1 minute. It's AMAZING!
I love it. I actually look forward to going to bed haha.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

12 Weeks

At 12 weeks...

This picture was taken a couple days after Little Baby Fernandez turned 12 weeks. We were heading out to Israel's aunt's house to celebrate 4 birthdays.

I look very pregnant there, don't I? It's only 12 weeks, but I guess it depends on the outfit. I think I show more with pants than dresses. (Sorry for the hair, I don't know what was going on with my hair that day. I'll make sure to fix myself up better for the next pictures :-) )

Now for a little fun...
I'll be doing this for the rest of my weekly posts so we can track my pregnancy even better.

How far along? 12 Weeks, 3 Days
Total weight gain/loss: 5lbs :-/ (They say I should only gain 5lbs during the first trimester and I still have one more week...)
Maternity clothes? 2 pair of maternity leggings (love them!) and 1 pair of maternity jeans. I also have 2 pairs of maternity dress pants, but I need to get them hemmed. I haven't worn them yet.
Stretch marks? No. I am itchy, but I try not to scratch. When I get too itchy, I slather on some Mustela Cream.
Sleep: Still SUPER tired, but I'm still not the napping type. I'll go to sleep around 7:30-8:00pm.
Best moment this week: Hmmmm...I laughed a lot at Israel's aunt's house. I do want to laugh a lot during my pregnancy so Little Baby Fernandez comes out happy :p
Have you told family and friends: Yes! All my close friends know. I told my grandma on my mom's side, and my dad called his brothers and sisters to tell them "Ya soy abuelo!" haha
Miss Anything? Coffee!!!! Soda!!!! and I have been craving Hot Dogs a lot.
Movement: Not yet.
Food cravings: Hot Dogs. Fries at times. A few weeks ago, all I wanted was cake, cupcakes, and chocolate cookies with milk. But that only lasted a few days.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing in particular. Israel's niece was drinking a breakfast shake and the smell made me sick.
Have you started to show yet: I think so. No one has said anything at work, but I've been trying to cover my bump until next week.
Gender prediction: Boy... even though since I was so nauseous last week, I thought I might be having a girl. I'm still predicting a boy, though.
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Next weeks 13-week Ultrasound! I'm soooo excited, yet nervous. I can't wait to see Little Baby Fernandez!

Let's track my pregnancy... 11 weeks!

So here's my 11 week 'Baby Bump' photo!

We were heading out to Church when Israel said "Let's take a picture of Little Baby Fernandez".

Little Baby Fernandez

Saturday, December 7, 2013, I woke up and decided to take a pregnancy test...pretty much for fun. (I have taken a lot of pregnancy tests in the last year "just for fun" and out of curiosity). I was expecting my "time of the month" on the 9th of December, but thought 'eh, might as well see...' really not expecting any good news.

I couldn't believe my eyes! Well....I told Israel. We were both happy. BUT, I had cramps and I knew that pregnancy tests do make mistakes (although people say there's no such thing as a false positive...well, lemme tell you...there is!) So, although I was happy, I really didn't believe it. I thought it was a false alarm.

I told my mom that day. Told her to pray for me, and left it at that.

Israel and I prayed EVERY DAY for the next few weeks, hoping all would go well. 
I was delaying scheduling our initial consultation (because of our previous experiences) and waited until AFTER our trip to Florida and after 8 weeks.
Well 8 weeks arrived and I made the call to my OBGYN. To make a long story short, I decided to go to look for another OBGYN after the receptionist was rude and didn't not want to schedule my appointment with the Doctor.
So I started asking around and decided to go with Dr. Jose Pinto. His office is a bit far, but he had wonderful reviews and was recommended by a good friend that had gone through a similar situation.

So January 10, 2014 arrived and I was SOOOOOOO nervous. Our appointment was at 3:00pm; they were running late so we had to wait a bit, but I didn't want to judge to soon.
Well, good thing I didn't. I absolutely LOVE my new OBGYN. Dr. Jose Pinto is the best doctor EVER!
9 weeks and I was able to see my beautiful baby with an abdominal ultrasound (which was new to me...I've only had vaginal ultrasounds and I hate them!)

There he/she is! But wait, that's not all! I heard his/her heart beat. It was SO beautiful. Tears ran down my face. I finally heard a heartbeat! It was nice and strong: 167bpm. 
I left the office SO happy. I was now more relaxed and excited to meet my Little Baby Fernandez.