Thursday, February 13, 2014

Here's my Little Baby Fernandez!

So Tuesday was my 13 week ultrasound. I was so excited, but I had to call out sick that day because I wasn't feeling too great. Well, by noon, I had a fever and was scared. I didn't know what to do. Once I hit 101 degrees, I called the Doctors office and they told me to take Tylenol to lower the fever and they'd check me out later that day.

I had my appointment at 7pm, so Israel can meet me there and we can experience everything together :)
When I got there, I was feeling SOOOOO sick. They took my temperature and said I definitely had a fever. 
So Doctor Pinto came in, and I was so nervous. All I cared about was seeing that little heart beat. 
THANK GOD, not only did I see and hear his/her heart beat, my baby was moving around like crazy haha. At first it was hiding behind my placenta, then it was lifting its arms....I even saw him/her shaking his/her head hahaha. Finally, the baby was facing us and Doctor Pinto was able to measure him/her. I wasn't at 13 weeks like I thought. I was at 14 weeks!
I'm telling you, seeing that made everything going away. No more fever, no more symptoms. I was just SO HAPPY. I couldn't stop smiling and laughing at how silly my baby was. Doctor Pinto even said that my baby was using the placenta as his/her pillow.
I'll stop rambling on... Here is Little Baby Fernandez at 14 weeks and 1 day:

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