Friday, February 7, 2014

First Pregnancy Purchase... (Kind of)

For the past few weeks, I haven't been sleeping THAT well for two reasons. One, these wonderful hormones make me wake up 2-3 times a night to go to the bathroom. And two, I'm afraid of sleeping on my back since I've read you shouldn't sleep on your back during your second and third trimester.
According to WebMd: "When you lie on your back, the weight of the pregnant uterus slows the return of blood to your heart, which reduces blood flow to the fetus. That means the baby is getting less oxygen and fewer nutrients."

Soooo.... reading that obviously got me scared and I've tried to train myself not to sleep on my back, let alone on my stomach! But even though I start out on my side, I end up on my back so I get nervous. (I know, I know, I'm barely starting my second trimester, but it still scares me).

Last Sunday, we were on the way home, but I wanted to stop by BuyBuyBaby and take a look at these 'famous' Pregnancy Body Pillows. I finally decided to purchase this one:

I tried it out that night and let me tell you... it was the worst night of my life haha. I had pain everywhere. My neck, my shoulders, my hips! I hated it. So Wednesday, we went back to BuyBuyBaby to return it. We stopped by Bed Bath and Beyond for something Israel was looking for and I decided to look at their pillows since mine is weird shaped again. 
As soon as I saw this one, I fell in love. It was SOOOOOO soft and felt so cool. But when I saw the price, I said 'Nevermind!'

It was $60. I've never paid that much for a pillow. But Israel said, "Get something that's worth while, instead of buying $14 pillows every couple of months".

So I decided to get it... and I slept like a baby! I think I fell asleep in 1 minute. It's AMAZING!
I love it. I actually look forward to going to bed haha.

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